INTERPLAY – regional location for prevention and care research in paediatrics and adolescent medicine in North Rhine-Westphalia

In line with the recommendation of the German Wissenschaftsrat (Science Council and the Ministry of Culture and Science), the neighboring universities Aachen, Bochum, Cologne, Düsseldorf, and Essen established INTERPLAY in the most densely populated area of Germany. Our aim is to excel in child health care based on linking and expanding expertise and incfrastructure in pediatrics and child & adolescent psychiatry, prevention and health services research.

Our mission is to unravel the developmental origins, transition to chronicity, underlying mechanisms of somatic and mental diseases, and thereby explore their interrelationship in children and adolescents. INTERPLAY comprises basic research scientists, large patients’ cohorts, internationally renowned researchers, community-based hospitals, health insurances, patients’ representatives, and educational systems.

Fig. 1: Overall concept of the early origins of chronic diseases in children and adolescents. Adverse gene-environemental interaction as early as perinatally along with somatic-mental factors can induce early injury, increase susceptibility for manisfestation of chronic disease, and promote chronification and comorbidities.The underlying mechanisms are currently not understood and preventive and therapeutic startegies are rare.
Fig. 1: Overall concept of the early origins of chronic diseases in children and adolescents. Adverse gene-environemental interaction as early as perinatally along with somatic-mental factors can induce early injury, increase susceptibility for manisfestation of chronic disease, and promote chronification and comorbidities.The underlying mechanisms are currently not understood and preventive and therapeutic startegies are rare.